Tuesday, January 9, 2007


St. Louis is so lame.


I first encountered this cat, oh, about December 2001 or so. I was working in a coffee shop in St. Louis’s Central West End. It was about 8 in the morning, and I’m leaning against the counter sucking back caffeine and enjoying a good mind-wander when walks by . . . Baton Bob. Dressed as Santa Claus a la the Rockettes.

Quickly, I tried to make sense of what I had just seen. Was I on drugs? No. Should I be? Not for visual hallucinations, anyway. Brain tumor? Probably not. No. There was, in fact, a man walking down Euclid in a dress and twirling a baton.

I pointed him out to my co-worker. “Oh him? Yeah, he’s by all the time.”

Oh. Okay. Wait, what? How can you be nonchalant about a guy twirling a baton? Or anyone twirling a baton on his or her morning walk, really. Freaky. In a good way.

I got used to seeing Baton Bob around the neighborhood. Dressed as bride. Batman. Playboy Bunny. I saw him lead a wedding party from a bar to the nearby ballroom where their reception was to be held. God love him, he could be a bit snarky, and he was known to occasionally block traffic for a second, but HE TWIRLED A BATON ON HIS MORNING WALK. How can you not love that?

If you’re St. Louis, apparently. Because now he’s in Atlanta, and appearing on CNN.com. You can find that link yourself.

St. Louis: The Joy Sinkhole of Middle America

1 comment:

Otto said...

That's not the first time Baton Bob has been on CNN. They've done at least 3 different segments about him, to my certain knowledge. Basically they trot him out whenever they're having a slow news day. I saw a piece about him that was similar to Monday's piece, except it was back in late May. There was also one back in 2005 sometime.