Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Go, Buckeyes.

Well, the Florida Gators managed an upset and routed the Ohio State Buckeyes.

Now, generally, football reduces me to boredom induced slack-jawed drooling. I couldn’t care less as long as no one is trying to force me to watch it. HOWEVER, my ex-husband went to UF, and even though in the end we were able to manage reasonable civility, I am not above rooting against his favorite team so I can mentally picture, and enjoy, his wailing and gnashing of teeth. And that of all his friends.

Alas, no. It was not to be.

In fact--and I didn’t tell my Ohio-cheering friends this—I knew Florida was going to win. At the bone marrow level. There was simply no way the universe was going to pass up such an easy opportunity to give me a good, owie pinch. The bastard.

C’est la vie, huh? At least I’m no longer surprised by these things.

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