Thursday, April 3, 2008

Career Suicide

Well, I am now most of the way through a bottle of wine, and I feel like I can say the following with some degree of authority.

Today totally sucked donkey balls.

5 months of failure is about 4 months too many, and finally, after yet another doomed process is implemented with nary a thought to the monkeys who are going to have to actually use it, I completely lost my shit. Lost. My. Shit. Sobbing, howling, OH-MY -GOD-DOES-SHE-HAVE-SNOT-ON-HER-SLEEVE? lost my shit.

And although I completely committed "career" suicide today...because no boss, no matter how ethically suspect, wants to hear an employee compare her shit job with her failed first marriage.

Whatever. No comparison, really. None of my exes have ever fucked me as much as my job does.

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