Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Space Staples

So. Today was a day so bogged down in stupidity that I fully expected someone to whom I was speaking to actually drop dead in the middle of our conversation because he had forgotten to breathe. Had you been a party to the idiocy that I was, you would feel the same.

At one point during the during the day, stymied by the silly workplace prohibition against calling business vendors "cocksuckers," I stated aloud that I hoped the bank with whom I was dealing was heavily invested in mortgage backed securities, and that as a consequence, the women (read: dumb fucking whores) with whom I was dealing would lose their jobs and become homeless. And be forced to reside under a pile of old cheese.

Upon reflection, though, I think the most incredibly stupid conversation of my day was regarding someone who had snail-mailed documents that were desperately needed as soon as possible. Didn't fax them. Didn't e-mail them. Didn't even copy them before consigning them to the dubious care of the USPS. Why, you ask?

Because they were stapled.

Space staples. Coming soon to an Office Max near you.

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